Vasudha Vikram Madaan
The voice of experience and Nature's wisdom
Based in Delhi, VasudhaVikramMadaan stands at the helm of ReBOOT: Your Self
Discovery Studio, a renowned global emotional wellness company and corporate
training hub. Her venture aims to guide entrepreneurs, C-suite leaders, startups,
athletes, and beauty pageant aspirants towards their dream goals, ensuring they
remain grounded. Vasudha's best-selling book, "Resign or Redesign", is a testament
to her expertise, resonating with many in their quests for happiness and personal
health. Beyond the written word, she amplifies her impact through "The VasudhaMadaan
Show", a podcast centred on the journeys of distinguished leaders across sectors.
Recognised for her commitment to women's empowerment and innovative training
methods, Vasudha consistently promotes originality, creativity, and self-directed